Tibetan Organic

Tibetan Organic is a brand name promoted by the Federation for marketing the organic produce grown by the Tibetan organic farmers in 8 Tibetan settlements in India. Tibetan Organic and organic farming method is a brainchild of 12th Kashag, Cabinet of Central Tibetan Administration, India. Organic farming was first started in Dhondenling Tibetan settlement, Kollegal, which was adopted as a model organic settlement. This ideal system of farming later on spread to other agriculture based settlements. The main goal of this holistic farming method is to achieve self-sufficiency within the settlements and to ensure protection of environment.

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Objectives of Organic Farming:
• To protect, preserve and rejuvenate the environment and biodiversity.
• To offer assistance and support to the international movement against consumerism. More specifically by persistently opposing the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, hybrid and genetically engineered seeds, etc.
• To make future Tibet a storehouse of organic grains to the rest of the world.
• To achieve sustainable livelihood in the Tibetan settlements in India by turning the present agriculture land  holding into a source of sustainable income generation.
• To achieve in making organic farming, animal husbandry and other allied activities as remunerative opportunities. There by we can encourage the educated Tibetan youth to live in settlements.
Certification of our organic produce:
Organic farming method is now implemented in 8 Tibetan settlements in which our member cooperative societies are operating. The total area under organic cultivation in these 8 settlments is 655 hectare and the total number of Tibetan organic farmer is 426. All the organic produce from Tibetan settlements is certified under NPOP (Indian Standards) and ECC 2092/2091 (European Standards), NOP (US Standard)  by IMO Control Bangalore and SGS India.


Organic Food Item:
Given the diversified conditions of the settlements we are able to produce a comprehensive range of quality organic products, which include:

  1. Organic Species – Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, Arecanut and Mustard
  2. Organic Cereals & Foods Rice, Ragi, Millets, Sorghum, Buckwheat, Wheat and Maize (grain and flour)
  3. Organic Pulses – Cowpea (Lobia), Green Gram (Mung Dal), Black Gram (Kala Chana), Red Gram (Tur Dal), Horse Gram, (Kulthi), Soyabean, Groundnut, and Sorghum
  4. Organic Oil Seed Ground Nut, Sunflower, Mustard, Niger and Castor.
  5. Vegetables and Fruits Banana and Mango
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